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Strategic and competitive intelligence service

Competitive intelligence

Economic intelligence is a continuous process for gathering useful information and protecting strategic and confidential information. The term “economic intelligence” also includes an “influence” element whose aim is to develop your environment to your own advantage. Monitoring represents the “gathering” element of economic intelligence.

Monitoring advice

Our skills are at your disposal to design and validate your information monitoring project. Our expertise will enable you to clarify your needs by means of in-depth interviews and formalisation tools.

Monitoring services

We offer you a tailor-made monitoring solution. Whether it is for temporary or one-off assignments, our expertise in strategic and competitive monitoring will guarantee you have rapid and flexible access to the information essential to your decision-making.

Our monitoring


Setting up your monitoring unit

We have a ready-made monitoring solution: from the design stage to implementation, our team takes care of everything! We can even supply you with the monitoring software that is best suited to your project.
surveillance d'information par cellule de veille solution clé en main d'Actulligence
conception de votre solution de veille externalisée qualitative par Actulligence en Occitanie

Actulligence outsourced monitoring solution

Do you need a temporary monitoring unit that is both flexible and high quality? Are you pressed for time or do you lack qualified internal resources? Put your trust in Actulligence for personalised monitoring that meets your own specific needs.
photo de Frédéric Martinet, expert intelligence économique, et des chargés de veille de l'entreprise Actulligence, près de Toulouse

Introducing Actulligence

Welcome to Actulligence, your expert partner in strategic and competitive monitoring systems. At Actulligence, we consider each of our clients unique.
We conduct an in-depth analysis of your monitoring requirements so that we can offer you the solution most perfectly suited to your company.


Actulligence joins Pacte PME and Alliance Decarbonisation

We are delighted to announce that Actulligence has officially joined the Pacte PME, an initiative designed to support and promote the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. This pact is designed to foster innovation, competitiveness and job creation, while integrating commitments to a sustainable and responsible economy.

As part of this approach, we are also proud to join the Decarbonation Alliance, a collective of companies committed to reducing their carbon footprint. This commitment reflects our desire to make an active contribution to the energy transition and to meet today’s environmental challenges.

Stay tuned to follow our progress and actions in this field!

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